service learning

Service Learning

Do you want to make a difference in your community but aren't sure how? Do it through education! Take what you've learned in the classroom and give back to your community through service learning.

Get Started Today!

what is service learning

see to succeed event. see to succeed is a service learning opportunity for san jac students
Service learning combines community service with classroom learning to create a meaningful educational experience. It encourages you to think critically about your service and how it connects to your coursework, helping you to become more involved in your community. Projects linked to specific learning goals can affect your grades and can happen both in and out of the classroom.





Benefits of Service Learning


learning relevant through real world experiences.


personal growth and development, additional academic learning, along with improvement in interpersonal skills.


you to test out learning theories outside of the classroom.


retention and understanding.


goodwill between our college and the community.

Give Back With Service Learning

See to Succeed Service Learning Event
San Jac’s eye care technology and nursing students teamed with eye care professionals to provide Pasadena I
ndependent School District students with free eye screenings, exams, and glasses fittings during See to Succeed. More than 1,300 Pasadena ISD students participated, with 97% receiving glasses during the weeklong event.

see to succeed
This service learning project not only provides valuable eye exams to local children but also educates San Jac students on career-specific skill sets, such as communicating with patients and collaborating with other health care providers.”
Courtney Morris
Senior Communications Projects Coordinator

San Jacinto College eye care technology students helped make a difference in local kids’ classroom success through See to Succeed. The program boasts a 100% job placement rate upon graduation.

Types of Service Learning Projects Offered

Check out some of our incredible service learning projects going on across San Jac campuses. 

engl 1301Students apply their skills in reading and composition to writing greeting cards to senior citizens across the nation.







engl 1301Students apply their skills in reading and composition to writing greeting cards to senior citizens across the nation.







biology students

Students identify, document, and catalogue species of birds and amphibians that reside or migrate through Sheldon Lake State Park as part of a larger study to document biodiversity in Texas and this region of the country.




Students contribute to the conservation & preservation of the Battleground, Museum, and Library at the San Jacinto Monument.

arts 1316Students create drawings to complement writing on greeting cards from the English 1301 course's cards for seniors and cancer patients.




Students volunteer at the Houston Food Bank and deliver an informative speech about the value of helping others.

Students volunteer at a local senior citizen home to record and transcribe stories of veterans.

Students write letters to cancer patients ages 18 - 35, and learn about the value of perseverance in their lives through text and service.

Bring Smiles to Seniors' partnership with San Jacinto College benefits both students and seniors. By sharing personalized greeting cards, students make seniors feel valued and loved. This collaboration bridges generations and promotes kindness, teaching students early on the importance of acknowledging and caring for seniors.
Ron Tyson
project founder, Bring Smiles to Seniors
sheldon lake state park service learning

Service Learning in Action

San Jac biology students partnered with Sheldon Lake State Park for their service learning project. This project was broken up into two parts:

  • Service
    • Identified & catalogued species of birds & amphibians
    • Planted coastal prairie & wetland plants in restoration areas
    • Removed invasive species from restoration areas
  • Learning
    • Identified the major phyla of life with an emphasis on plants & animals, including the basis for classification, structural and physiological adaptations, evolutionary history, and ecological significance.
    • Described basic animal physiology and homeostasis as maintained by organ systems.


Unsure on what service learning is about? Check out some our frequently asked questions for an answer!
Service learning focuses directly on applying class material to a real world service project. Students learn through doing.
In service-learning at least one of the major assignments involves assisting others in the community. Traditional classes don't always have this component, but both types of courses cover the same learning objectives.
At least 10 hours of a semester long class will be devoted to working with a community partner. The 10 hour bench mark can be met through both in class and out of class time.
Yes; not only will you gain valuable and marketing skills, but you will have the opportunity to give back to the community. This will provide networking opportunities among peers and the community.
No; the service learning related materials are provided for you with your tuition. You may, however, incur nominal gasoline costs in the event the community partner is off-site.

Get Started Today!

Reach out today to learn more about service learning and how to enhance your education!

Generation Park Campus:Dr. Tyler Olivier
Central Campus:
Debra Clarke
North Campus: Jeanette Liberty
South Campus: Bryan Corbin